About Me!

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About Me!

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Fabresico J. Osler (24) is a talented and passionate photographer based in Michigan. Born and raised in Benton Harbor, he developed an eye for beauty and detail from an early age, appreciating the artistry behind everything from famous paintings to game development.
After attending Countryside Academy, Fabresico honed his skills by exploring the natural beauty of Michigan's grand landscapes, often finding inspiration in the vibrant foliage and stunning colors that surrounded him. With the support of his parents, he received his first camera - a Canon T6 Rebel - on Christmas day of 2017. This was the moment that the photographer within him was born.
Despite obtaining an Associate degree in Computer Networking from Lake Michigan College, Fabresico's love for photography never faded. He continued to develop his skills by taking a series of Udemy classes, earning several certificates in photography and editing along the way.
Now, Fabresico is a freelance photographer, specializing in capturing the beauty of nature and the world around him. His creativity and open-mindedness allow him to see things in a unique way, resulting in stunning and captivating images that capture the essence of his subjects.
Every picture is taken with love, thank you for the continued support <3

(The titles are just a series of moods, thoughts and outlooks which you can try to understand)
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